Mississippi Hub, LLC Mississippi Hub Expansion Project
Mississippi Hub, LLC
Mississippi Hub Expansion Project
PROJECT UPDATE: March 5, 2024, MS Hub submitted an Abbreviated Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) to construct, modify, and operate the MS Hub Capacity Expansion Project under Docket No. CP24-80-000. The MS Hub facility site is located approximately 7.6 miles southwest of the town of Magee, Mississippi. MS Hub expects to begin construction activities for the expansion project in 2025, after receipt of the required approval from FERC and other Federal, State and Local agencies.
To access information regarding MS Hub’s filings and any FERC documents regarding the proposed MS Hub Expansion Project, visit https://elibrary.ferc.gov/eLibrary/.
- Under search options, choose “General Search” and enter the range of dates you wish to search, or
- Select “Docket Search” and enter the MS Hub Docket Number, CP24-80-000, in the “Enter Docket Number” box.

The Project consists of the following proposed activities:
- Expansion of the MS Hub Storage Facility in Simpson County, Mississippi.
- Increasing the size of the existing gas storage Caverns #1 and #2.
- Construction of three new gas storage caverns (Caverns #4, #5 and #6).
- Expansion of the existing Gas Handling Facility.
- Expansion of the existing Leaching Facility.
- Addition of one meter skid and one filter separator on the existing Southern Natural Gas (“Sonat”) Meter Site in Simpson County, Mississippi.
- Addition of one meter skid and one filter separator on the existing Southeast Supply Header (“SESH”) Meter Site in Covington County, Mississippi.
- Addition of two meter skids, two flow control skids, and one filter separator on the existing Transcontinental Gas Pipeline (“Transco”) Meter Site in Covington County, Mississippi.
- Construction of four new raw water (“RW”) wells (RW Wells #6, #7, #8 and #9) in Simpson County, Mississippi.
- Construction of five new saltwater disposal (“SWD”) wells.
- Two SWD wells (#5 and #7) collocated at the existing RW well #3 SWD well #3 wellpad in Simpson County, Mississippi.
- One new SWD well (#9) in Simpson County, Mississippi.
- Two SWD wells (#6 and #8) at the existing RW well #4 and SWD well #4 wellpad in Jefferson Davis County, Mississippi.
- Construction of a new booster compressor station (“MS Hub Booster Station”) including installation of three new gas turbine driven centrifugal compressors and associated equipment in Covington County, Mississippi.
Project Contact Information:
MSHExpansionProject@enstorinc.com, 833-454-6742
Depleted Reservoir
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Salt Cavern
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